Ben Folds Live at Red Rocks – June 21, 2015

By Published On: July 8, 2015Categories: Music

My wife and I spent our 8th wedding anniversary listening to Ben Folds play a concert with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra. I’m a music nerd; the only thing that could’ve made this better for me would be playing with Ben on stage. That didn’t happen, but I really wish it did. Maybe next time, Mr. Folds. Seeing Ben Folds Live at Red Rocks was a dream come true for most of the people there. Seeing him perform with an orchestra took it to a completely new level. This isn’t a concert review; you can’t critique Mr. Folds. He is the maestro of all maestros and is more knowledgeable in music than anyone I can name. So, instead of reviewing his show, I recorded a short video for our readers. No pictures this time – I wasn’t working on my anniversary.

Ben Folds Live at Red Rocks – Rock This Bitch – June 21, 2015

Some of you won’t recognize the song, Rock This Bitch, from his albums. He only performs this song at his live concerts. You can find it on his 2002 album, Ben Folds Live… but what you hear there won’t be the same as what you see in the video. What you see in the video won’t be the same as what you see live anywhere else. He makes something up every time he plays it. Sometimes the spontaneous riffs become the foundations of a new song. Sometimes he just throws it all away. What’s unique about this video? It’s Ben Folds Live at Red Rocks with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra. Instead of just pounding something out on the piano, he decided to use the orchestra. All of it. He builds his song section by section and totally rocks that bitch.

Was it the best rendition of Rock This Bitch in history? That’s not for me to say. I will say that seeing Ben Folds live at Red Rocks with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra was certainly the coolest Rock This Bitch in recent memory. Watch it, be amazed, and enjoy it.

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